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Англо-русский словарь - secret


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Перевод с английского языка secret на русский

service секретная служба, разведка
 1. noun
 1) тайна, секрет; to be in the secret - быть посвященным в тайну; to keep a secret - сохранять тайну; an open secret - секрет полишинеля
 2) тайна, загадка; the secrets of nature - тайны природы
 2. adj.
 1) тайный, секретный; secret marriage - тайный брак; secret treaty - тайный договор; to keep secret - держать в тайне - secret service
 2) потайной, скрытый
 3) скрытный
 4) уединенный, укромный
SECRET partner компаньон, не участвующий активно в деле и мало известный;
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См. в других словарях

  1. секрет, тайна dead secret —- глубокая тайна a military secret —- военная тайна an open secret —- всем известный секрет; секрет полишинеля to keep a secret —- хранить тайну to entrust smb. with a secret —- доверить кому-л. тайну he has no secrets —- он ничего не скрывает we have no secrets from one another —- у нас нет тайн (секретов) друг от друга to make no secret of smth. —- не делать из чего-л. тайны (секрета) in secret —- тайно; по секрету, под секретом I was told about it in secret —- мне сказали об этом по секрету she wept in secret —- она тайком плакала to be in the secret —- быть посвященным в тайну to let smb. into a (the) secret —- посвятить кого-л. в тайну the secret is out —- тайное стало явным to pass state secrets to a foreign government —- передавать государственные тайны иностранному правительству 2. ключ, разгадка; тайная причина the secret of his success —- причина (секрет) его успеха 3. загадка, что-л. необъяснимое, скрытое lover's secrets —- признания влюбленного the secrets of nature —- тайны природы the secret of human motive —- загадка поведения человека, тайна побудительных сил, объясняющих поступки человека the secret of perpetual youth —- тайна (секрет) вечной молодости 4. тайный, секретный, сохраняемый в тайне secret agent —- тайный (секретный) агент secret diplomacy —- тайная дипломатия secret errand —- тайное поручение secret...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  "Секрет" Товарный знак антиперспиранта для женщин производства компании "Проктер энд Гэмбл" Procter and Gamble Co.. Рекламный лозунг: "Защитил бы даже мужчину, но создан специально для женщин!" "Strong enough for a woman" ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  секрет, тайна; секретный, сохраняемый в тайне – secret of production – business secret – manufacturing secret – official secret – top secret – trade secret – works secret ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) засекреченный 2) потайной 3) секретный 4) тайна - secret abutment - secret service ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 kept or meant to be kept private, unknown, or hidden from all or all but a few. 2 acting or operating secretly. 3 fond of, prone to, or able to preserve secrecy. 4 (of a place) hidden, completely secluded. --n. 1 a thing kept or meant to be kept secret. 2 a thing known only to a few. 3 a mystery. 4 a valid but not commonly known or recognized method of achieving or maintaining something (what's their secret?; correct breathing is the secret of good health). 5 RC Ch. a prayer concluding the offertory of the mass. Phrases and idioms in secret secretly. in (or in on) the secret among the number of those who know it. keep a secret not reveal it. secret agent a spy acting for a country. secret ballot a ballot in which votes are cast in secret. secret police a police force operating in secret for political purposes. secret service a government department concerned with espionage. secret society a society whose members are sworn to secrecy about it. Derivatives secretly adv. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L secretus (adj.) separate, set apart f. secernere secret- (as SE-, cernere sift) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French secre, ~, from Latin ~us, from past participle of secernere to separate, distinguish, from se- apart + cernere to sift — more at secede, certain  Date: 14th century  1.  a. kept from knowledge or view ; hidden  b. marked by the habit of discretion ; closemouthed  c. working with hidden aims or methods ; undercover a ~ agent  d. not acknowledged ; unavowed a ~ bride  e. conducted in ~ a ~ trial  2. remote from human frequentation or notice ; secluded  3. revealed only to the initiated ; esoteric  4. designed to elude observation or detection a ~ panel  5. containing information whose unauthorized disclosure could endanger national security — compare confidential, top ~  • ~ly adverb Synonyms:  ~, covert, stealthy, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, underhanded mean done without attracting observation. ~ implies concealment on any grounds for any motive met at a ~ location. covert stresses the fact of not being open or declared covert intelligence operations. stealthy suggests taking pains to avoid being seen or heard especially in some misdoing the stealthy step of a burglar. furtive implies a sly or cautious stealthiness lovers exchanging furtive glances. clandestine implies secrecy usually for an evil, illicit, or unauthorized purpose and often emphasizes the fear of being discovered a clandestine meeting of conspirators. surreptitious applies to action or behavior done ~ly often with skillful avoidance of detection and in violation of custom, law, or authority the surreptitious stockpiling of weapons. underhanded stresses fraud or deception an underhanded trick.  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. something kept hidden or unexplained ; mystery  b. something kept from the knowledge of others or shared only confidentially with a few  c. a method, formula, or process used in an art or operation and divulged only to those of one's own company or craft ; trade ~  d. plural the practices or knowledge making up the shared discipline or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (secrets) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is secret, it is known about by only a small number of people, and is not told or shown to anyone else. Soldiers have been training at a secret location... The police have been trying to keep the documents secret. ADJ: ADJ n, v n ADJ, v-link ADJ see also top secret • secretly He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations. ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj/n 2. A secret is a fact that is known by only a small number of people, and is not told to anyone else. I think he enjoyed keeping our love a secret... N-COUNT 3. If you say that a particular way of doing things is the secret of achieving something, you mean that it is the best or only way to achieve it. The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing... N-SING: the N, oft the N of n 4. Something’s secrets are the things about it which have never been fully explained. We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe... N-COUNT: usu pl, oft with poss 5. If you do something in secret, you do it without anyone else knowing. Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret. PHRASE: PHR after v 6. If you say that someone can keep a secret, you mean that they can be trusted not to tell other people a secret that you have told them. Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you make no secret of something, you tell others about it openly and clearly. His wife made no secret of her hatred for the formal occasions... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 known about by only a few people and kept hidden from others  (secret passage/hideout/hiding place etc)  (Rosie took them to a secret hideout in the woods. | secret diplomacy/negotiations/meetings etc)  (She's had secret meetings with him behind your back. | keep sth secret)  (They kept their marriage secret until last year.)  (- see also top­secret) 2 (only before a noun secret feelings or actions are ones that you do not want other people to know about  (I still have my secret fears about his intentions. | a secret admirer)  (Did you know you had a secret admirer? | a secret drinker/smoker)  (the watery eyes of a secret drinker) 3 secret about sth liking to keep things secret; secretive - secretly adv  (They were secretly married last week.) ~2 n 1 something kept hidden or known about by only a few people  (Our plans must remain a secret. | keep a secret (=not tell a secret to anyone))  (Can you keep a secret? | let sb in on the secret (=tell someone a secret) | closely-guarded secret (=one that is carefully kept)) 2 the secret of a particular way of achieving a good result, that is the best or only way  (the secret to making good bread | the secret of success)  (What do you think is the secret of her success?) 3 in secret in a private way or place that other people do not know about  (Lilian cried in secret, afraid to tell anyone.) 4 make no secret of to make your opinions about something clear  (Howard made no secret of his disappointment.) 5 the secrets of nature/the universe etc the things no one yet knows about nature etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. South East Chicago Rail Enhancement Team ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1378, from L. secretus "set apart, withdrawn, hidden," originally pp. of secernere "to set apart," from se- "apart" + cernere "separate." Secretive is from 1853. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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